Code of Conduct

When you complete the online registration form for yourself or your child(ren), you are required to acknowledge you have read this Code of Conduct and the named participant agrees to abide by it.



The RWPA strives to create an environment that is supportive of the efforts of all athletes to learn and excel in the sport of Water Polo.

  • All athletes have the right to participate in suitable and safe settings. Safety and the physical, psychological and emotional well-being of each individual athlete shall be of primary importance in all programs.
  • All members are expected to treat each other with courtesy and respect at all times.
  • Members shall treat others equitably within the context of their sporting activities regardless of their gender, race, place of origin, color, sexual orientation, religion, political beliefs, socio-economic status or any other conditions.

All members of the club have the right to feel proud of the RWPA and the undesirable behavior of one reflects poorly on the entire Club.

In order to participate in club activities, including tournaments, members must read and agree to the terms of this Code of Conduct.



This Code of Conduct applies to all members of the RWPA (athletes, coaches, parents, chaperones, etc.) whenever they are participating in RWPA activities. This is defined in the following way:

  • From the moment a member steps onto the property of a game or practice facility until they leave the same facility.
  • From the time they leave home at the beginning of the trip to the time they return home at end of any trip for a water polo tournament or similar activity involving the RWPA.

All members must behave in accordance with this Code of Conduct. Failure will indicate a lack of desire to belong to the RWPA and will result in the consequences outlined below. Any athlete, coach or chaperone that does NOT agree with ALL the conditions included in this document may elect not to participate on any trips. Refusal to acknowledge you have read and agree to this Code of Conduct will be sufficient indication to the trip organizers to exclude you.

In the event this policy is found to be incomplete in direction in some circumstances, the Board of Directors or the Code of Conduct Review Committee can rely on the Water Polo Saskatchewan Operating Policies for further guidance.




RWPA Board of Directors

The responsibilities of the RWPA Board with respect to the Code of Conduct are:

  • To create and periodically review and approve the Code of Conduct guidelines;
  • To appoint the Code of Conduct Review Committee, including the Chair;
  • To temporarily replace members of the Code of Conduct Review Committee who may be in a position of conflict of interest on a particular incident;
  • To adjudicate any appeal of the decisions of the Code of Conduct Review Committee;
  • To liaise with Water Polo Saskatchewan and Water Polo Canada when appropriate regarding disciplinary matters.


Code of Conduct Review Committee

This consists of four persons appointed by the Board of Directors (one coach, one parent and either the President, Vice-President or one other Board designate). The Committee Chair will be appointed by the Board of Directors. This committee’s responsibilities are:

  • To meet with all members at the beginning of each year to explain the code and enforcement;
  • To enforce the rules of conduct;
  • To meet with any member whose behavior is unacceptable, including athletes, parents, coaches, chaperones, etc.;
  • To request written documentation and testimonials from those members involved as well as anyone involved in any incident(s);
  • To review behavior after team trips and determine appropriate disciplinary action;
  • To review reported incidents regarding behavior issues at pool facilities and determine appropriate action;
  • To keep the Board and appropriate parents, athletes and coaches informed of any suspensions or other disciplinary action;
  • To provide a written summary of the outcome of a review process to the individual(s) subject to investigation and those who initiated the complaint;
  • To notify law enforcement agencies as appropriate regarding any criminal activity that may have occurred;
  • To document all violations and processes followed;
  • To maintain the confidentiality of all allegations and detailed documentation;
  • To release, as a matter of public record, the decisions and recommendations from a review, so long as such release does not unduly compromise the privacy of those involved Any sanctions or penalties applied must be based on reasonable evidence that a violation of the Code of Conduct occurred.

When determining appropriate disciplinary action and corrective measures the following factors shall be considered:

  • the severity of the violation;
  • the frequency of the infraction (first offence, second offence, etc.);
  • the age(s) of the individual(s) accused;
  • the ages(s) of the victim;
  • the role of the individual(s) accused (athlete, coach, official, etc.).

In all situations, the review Committee can apply any or all of the following responses:

  • A verbal reprimand and apology;
  • A written reprimand and apology;
  • A suspension from one or more practices;
  • Placement on probation;
  • A requirement that a parent attend some of the practices;
  • Suspension from some games at a tournament;
  • Suspension from a tournament;
  • Suspension of any financial assistance;
  • A requirement that a parent attend the next tournament and be responsible for the athlete, including having the athletes stay in the parent’s room;
  • Professional counseling or behavior modification, at the athletes cost;
  • Suspension from future activities of the Club;
  • Temporary or permanent suspension of membership;
  • Outright dismissal from the Club .

Suspension of membership will be communicated to other organizations as applicable (other Provincial Associations, Water Polo Canada, Coaching Association of Canada, Canadian Olympic Association, Canadian Professional Coaches Association etc).

Discipline will be based solely on the act and not on an athlete’s ability.



In the case of any away tournament, the Head Chaperone will act on behalf of the Review Committee with all the responsibilities and authority of the Committee. At it’s discretion, the Board of Directors may also appoint someone other than the Head Chaperone to act in this capacity (for example a member of the Review Committee attending the tournament). Upon return from the tournament, all documentation and actions will be reviewed by the Committee and additional actions may be taken in accordance with this policy.

While away at a tournament, the Head Chaperone will consult with both the Team Chaperone and Team Coach when reviewing and adjudicating infractions. While the Team Chaperone and Coach both have the responsibility and authority to first discipline their players for inappropriate behaviors, the Head Chaperone retains the ultimate authority on behalf of the review committee.

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