What is a Minor Official (MO)?

MO stands for Minor Officials.  Water Polo games cannot occur without them!


It is MANDATORY that one member from each RWPA family takes the online training and volunteers at the various events throughout the season. If your child is playing in an event, it is expected that you will volunteer at the event to support their opportunities.


You must complete the course before signing up to MO. Once you're trained, you'll receive a shirt and can sign up to MO on the Google Sheet.

Water Polo Saskatchewan : Website by RAMP InterActive (wpsask.ca)


Please Note: All MOs must be registered every year as a “Minor Official” with WPS on RAMP.


Typically, each game requires a:

  • Supervisor - writes information on paper
  • Time keeper - uses the clock to reset the shot clock, manage the game clock, enter the score, enter the period
  • Game Secretary - enters information  into an electric devise - either RAMP or 6-8 programs


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